My english progress from 2008-2010

- To compare my first written document and my last composition read my first written document, I read my first composition and I can observe that now I have more ability to write compositions because I write more. In batxillerat one I didn’t have the ability to write because I didn’t practice but in batxillerat 2. I observed that the all the compositions that I wrote, I have more ability and I learn vocabulary, grammar, connectors, language and I think that before in batxillerat 1 I wrote about less mature subjects and now I see that I have changed the subject and I see that I can write about subjects that are more complicated.
- To compare my first oral presentation and last oral presentation, I saw them and I think that I have improve my fluency in English. Apart from that, I improved my subjects about oral presentation. The first oral presentation was about my hobby “the horses and the riding school” and I think that these subjects are very easy because you tell them your hobby and your experiences and the last oral presentation was about my research project that it was easy also because you were supposed to explain your project that you did in 10 months but I observed that the fluency was better than the first oral because I practiced more and I learned more vocabulary. But in batxillerat 2 we can saw that I had to interpret subjects that were more difficult about British humor and others.
In conclusion, I think that I have improved my pronunciation, my body language and the fluency but I think that I can improve more my pronunciation more because it is a little bad.

My English COMPETENCE in 2010

I believe that my best oral presentation was about my research project because I knew a lot this project and I could speak with more ability. I think that when you explain a subject that you prepared a lot you have more fluency to say something.

This year I had written a lot and I can’t say which is the best composition was that I did, but I can say that this year I wrote a lot more than other year and I think that I have more fluency to write and I believe that it’s advantages because it you allow to write something about anything. I suppose that my best writing are last compositions that I wrote because having a good structure, more maturity and rich about vocabulary.

The future
English competence, I think that is very important to have more fluency of English writing and it’s for this reason that all we had to write a lot. Furthermore, the project about the blog helped us to increase our marks so you have more probabilities to increase your mark or pass this subject and it’s a good opportunity. Now, I will continue to learn English because this summer I am going to an English family in England for two weeks and I think that I will improve my pronunciation and fluency to speak English. I believe that this opportunity is perfect to improve my English and I think that it’s an opportunity I have to enjoy a lot.!!

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